- Category: درباره انجمن
In the name of God
Ministry of Science, Research and Technology - Research Deputy
Office of Iranian Scientific Society
Statute of the Association for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature
Chapter One - Generalities and Objectives
Article 1: In order to expand and promote scientific and quantitative and qualitative development of special forces and to improve the educational and research affairs in the areas of language and literature and culture of the country, the Association for the Advancement of Language and Literature of Fars, which is half the time in this Statute of the Association Called, is formed.
Article 2: The Association is a nonprofit organization operating in scientific and research fields and has a legal personality since the date of registration, and the chairman of the board of directors is the legal representative of the association.
Article 3: The Association Center is located in Tehran, and its branches can be established in each region of the country after the approval of the Scientific Committees Commission.
Note: The Board of Directors may, if necessary, proceed to change the main office of the Association, provided that the subject is announced in one of the official newspapers and is communicated in writing to the Commission of the scientific associations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
Article 4: The Association is formed from the date of ratification of this Statute for an indefinite period and is bound to observe the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Chapter Two - Duties and Activities:
Article 5: In order to achieve the objectives referred to in Article (1) of this Statute, the Association shall carry out the following actions:
1-5) Conduct scientific and literary research at the national and international level with researchers and specialists working in the field of Persian language and Persian literature and Iranian culture.
2-5) Collaboration with executive, scientific and research institutions in the field of evaluation and review and implementation of plans and programs related to education and research in scientific fields. Activities of the Association.
3-5) Encouraging and encouraging scholars and celebrating the distinguished scholars and professors of Persian language and literature and Islamic culture.
4-5) Providing educational and research services and making available scientific resources and materials.
5-5) Conducting scientific conferences at the national, regional and international levels.
6-5) Publishing of scientific and research publications, including editing, translation and compilation.
Chapter Three - Membership Types and Conditions
Article 6: Five Membership
1-6) Online membership
The founders of the association and all those who have at least a degree in the field of Persian language and literature and affiliated disciplines, such as Iranian-Islamic culture, as well as foreign professors practicing teaching and research in the fields mentioned above, can become members of the Association Come on.
2-6) Affiliation:
Persons who have a degree in science and have been engaged in one or more of the fields 1-6 for 5 years.
3-6) Student membership:
All students studying Fars language and literature and Islamic-Iranian culture.
4-6) Honorary Memberships:
Iranian and foreign personalities whose academic positions are of particular importance in the fields of Persian language and literature, and Iranian-Islamic culture, or in promoting the goals of the community, have provided valuable assistance.
5-6) Organizational (legal) members:
Organizations active in the field of science and research can join the Association.
Note 1: Individuals with a degree in one of the fields listed in Section 1-6 may be approved by the Board of Directors for membership in the Association, provided that at least one or two works published in the field of Persian language and literature, or Iranian-Iranian culture, Islamic.
Note 2: The members of the institutions are considered as affiliated members of the association.
Article 7: Each member of the Council shall pay the amount to be determined by the General Assembly as a membership fee.
Note 1: Payment of the membership fee does not create any right to claim the property of the association for the member.
Note 2: Members of the Association are exempt from payment of membership fees.
Article 8: Membership ends in one of the following cases:
1-8) Written resignation
2-8) Non-payment of annual membership fee
Note: Confirmation of termination of membership with the board of directors
Chapter Four: Committees
Article 9: The basic pillars are:
A: General Assembly b) Board of Directors c) Inspector
A: General Assembly
Article 10: The general public is composed of regular members of the congresses.
1-10) The ordinary general assembly shall be convened once a year and shall be recognized by a written, half-written vote as a full member of the association, and decisions shall be valid with most votes.
2-10) The Extraordinary General Assembly shall be constituted, in cases of necessity, by the invitation of the Board of Directors or the Inspectorate or by written request of one-third of its members.
3-10) If the meeting of the General Assembly has not been officially approved, the votes will be taken in plain sentiment - in accordance with the rules established by the Board of Directors.
Note 1: The invitation to form a public assembly in writing or an advertisement in one of the numerous newspapers is now under pressure and should be communicated to the members at least 15 days before the assembly.
Note 2: One-third of the members can invite directly to convene an extraordinary general assembly, provided that the board of directors and the inspector of the association have responded to their request and, in such a case, they should be invited to do not comply with the ad Applying for yourself, by the Board of Directors or the Inspector.
Note 3: If the above clause is fulfilled, the agenda of the general meeting will be exclusively the subject of the application.
Note 4: The conditions for the formation of an extraordinary general assembly are the same as the convening of the ordinary general assembly, and decisions with two-thirds of the votes are valid.
Article 11: Functions of the General Assembly
A. General Assembly
- Choosing the members of the board of directors and the inspector
- Approval of the forum policy
- Reviewing and approving the recommendations of the Board of Directors and the Inspector
- Determine the amount of membership fees
- Dismissal of the Board of Directors and Inspector
- Review and approve the balance sheet and income statement for the financial year and the next year's budget.
B) Extraordinary General Assembly
- Approval of changes in the provisions of the Articles of Association
- Approval of dissolution of the forum
Note 1: General Assemblies are governed by a bureau consisting of a chairman, a secretary and two supervisors.
Note 3: Members of the Board of Directors are elected to the Assembly by declaring and accepting their nomination.
Note 2: Members of the Board of Directors should not be among those who nominate themselves to the election or the board of directors and the inspector.
C) The Board of Directors
Article 12: The board of directors of the association consists of 5 main members of Tehran and 5 members of the provincial centers and 2 members of Ali al-Badl. Which is elected every four years by secret ballot from the members of the association.
1-12) No member may be elected to the Board of Directors for more than two consecutive terms.
2-12) is a member of the Board of Directors.
3-12) The Board of Directors shall convene a meeting within a maximum of one month after being elected and shall make a written decision on the separation of its functions.
4-12) All obligatory documents and securities are signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Inspector with Mehranjman and the official letters signed by the Chairman of the Board with the presence of the majority of the members, and the decisions adopted by the majority of votes are valid.
7-12) All resolutions of the Board of Directors are registered and kept by the members of the Board of Directors after the signatures of the members.
8-12) Membership of the Board of Directors is necessary for meetings, and the absence of any member without notice is justified by the appointment of the board of directors for up to three consecutive meetings and five alternate sessions in the absence of the member's resignation.
9-12) In the event of the resignation of the deputies or the deputies of each member of the board of directors, the member of Ali al-Badl will be appointed to his successor for the remainder of the term of membership.
10-12) The Inspectorate is authorized by the Board of Directors without voting rights
Article 13: The Board of Directors is the legal representative of the Association and its duties are as follows.
1-13) Administration of current affairs of the Association in accordance with the articles of association and resolutions of the General Assembly
2-13) Formation of scientific groups of the association, determination of duties and supervision of activities
3-13) The Board of Directors may conduct any transaction and transaction that is necessary for the transfer of immovable property to its full or insolent basis, and for borrowing, with the exception of the definitive assignment of immovable property, which requires the approval of the General Assembly. To give
4-13) With the exception of matters which, pursuant to the articles of association, take decisions and take action on them in the special jurisdiction of the general public, the Board of Directors shall have all the powers necessary for the administration of affairs provided that they comply with the limits of the subject matter of the association's activities.
5-13) Preparation of the annual report and adjustment of the financial balance sheet and the bill of income and expenses of the Association for approval by the General Assembly and submission to the supervisory authority in due time
6-13) Filing and answering claims by individuals or legal entities in all references and proceedings with the right to appoint a lawyer and the right to refuse to.
7-13) Selection and introduction of representatives of the Association for participation in internal and external scientific assemblies
C: Inspector
Article 14: The General Assembly elects one person as the chief inspector and one person as Ali al-Bald for 2 years.
Note: Inspection may be re-elected.
Article 15: The duties of the Inspectorate are as follows.
15-15-Reviewing and formalizing the association and preparing the report for the general assembly.
2-15-Review the annual report of the Board of Directors and prepare a report on the functioning of the Association for information to the General Assembly.
3-15-Report any violation of the Board of Directors from the provisions of the Articles of Association to the General Assembly.
Note: All documents of the Association, whether financial or non-financial, at any time and without reservation, must be made by the Board of Directors for inspection by the Inspector.
Chapter 5 - Scientific Groups of the Forum.
Article 16: The Association may set up the following groups and departments, based on a description of the tasks assigned to them by the Board of Governors.
1) Specialist groups.
2) Education and Research Committee.
3) Publication Committee.
4) The Committee on Information and Information.
5) Acceptance and Public Relations Committee at national and international level.
6) National and International Collegiate Committees.
16.1 Allowed associations to form groups and other sections that are felt as needed.
Chapter Six - Budget and Miscellaneous Materials.
Article 17: Forum resources include:
17.1 Membership rights.
17.2. Revenues from the provision of educational, research and consulting services and sales of books.
3.17 All income and revenues of the Association shall be spent on the purposes and subject to Article 5 of this Statute.
Article 18: Revenues and expenses of the association shall be registered in the legal offices and its description shall be sent annually to the commission of scientific associations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology after being adopted at the General Assembly.
Article 19: All funds of the Association shall be kept in a special account, including Rials and Currency, in association with the banks in the name of the Association.
Article 20: None of the institutions or owners of capital has the right to withdraw or allocate any profits, such as dividends or capital, and they themselves and their first-degree affiliates may not trade in unlisted trades.
Article 21: All financial and non-financial documents relating to the activities of the Association shall be held at the seat of the Association's Office and shall be made available to them at the time of referral by the Supervisory Authority or other competent authorities.
Article 22: Any changes to the Articles of Association shall be valid after approval by the Scientific Committees Commission of the Ministry of Science and Technology Research.
Article 23: The Association is a national of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its members, called the Association, do not have the right to engage in political activities or to engage in political parties or political parties.
Article 24: In the event of approval of the dissolution of the Association at the General Assembly, the same Assembly will elect the Board of Appeal to pay the debts and collect the claims of the Association. The clearing house is obligated to transfer all immovable and movable assets of the association to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, after the collection of claims and payment of debts, to one of the educational or research institutes of the country.
Article 25: This Statute contains 6 chapters, 25 articles, and 16 notes at the meeting of .............................. of the General Assembly of the Association to be approved. reached.
See Changes to the Statute of the Year 92.