The acquisition of the Rumi Chair
- Category: news
The Rumi Chair for the first time in the country was donated to Dr Seyyed Ali Asghar Mirbagherifard (chairman of the board of the Association for Promoting Persian Language and Literature).
Isfahan - The Maulviyat-e-Hoiyah Chair was first donated to Dr Seyyed Ali Asghar Mirbagherifard (Chairman of the Board of the Association for the Advancement of Persian Language and Literature).
Province of Iran - Fatemeh Kazerouni: The Foundation for the Protection of Researchers and Technologists of the country (the Iranian Science Foundation) started its work in 2003 with the aim of supporting researchers and technologists, the main activities of the fund, including research projects, postgraduate courses, registration Inventions, research seats, scholarship (Grant) and support for the creation and development of innovation centers.
The award of the research seat is one of the special measures of the Fund for the Protection of Researchers and Technologists of the country (the Iranian Science Foundation), which is limited in its entirety to index professors or effective institutions. Thus, the Foundation of Science of Iran, through observing scientific activities in the country and consulting with experts And academic and academic groups decide to award this research prize to someone.
So far, most of these seats have been awarded to technical, engineering and medical disciplines, but the attention of the institute's leaders to the literature and the need for more people to benefit from literary texts have made literary support a priority.
In this way, for the first time in the country, the research council of Rumi has been awarded to Dr. Seyyed Aliasghar Mirbaghifirard, the head of the Association for the Advancement of Persian Language and Literature, and the Director of the Scientific Center for the Study of Sufi and Mystical Texts. On this basis, we have spoken with them, read below:
Mr. Mirbagheri Fard as the first question of the purpose of forming this seat?
The meeting sought to find out two main objectives, including the presentation of new and innovative findings in the field of research, reflecting on the methods of research, revival and correction of texts in the field of research, and the provision of a suitable field for utilizing Mowlana's mystical capacities to promote the culture of society within and Abroad is in accordance with the elements and axes of Iranian Islamic culture.
Through the promotion of the quality of the research method and the use of genuine sources in the field of Rural Studies, appropriate infrastructures have been developed to achieve the goals of the program of the seat, and significant outcomes have been gained.
Why is Rumi's position significant in our culture and abroad, and how can this capacity be used?
Due to the fact that the main source of Islamic mysticism is Islamic culture, Islamic mysticism carries very clear and enlightening messages for all of the world, and these messages are presented in the works of Rumi in an artistic and proportional way.
In fact, Rumi's views and works are of two kinds, one that is the one of the greatest mystics of the first mystical tradition that culminated in the tradition in the seventh century and expressed the great mystical concepts, and that Rumi, by expressing mystical teachings and provocations In the form of Persian language, it has played an important role in the prosperity and promotion of Persian language.
In fact, Rumi's works are one of the most important capacities in which two important elements of Islamic mysticism and Persian language have interacted and interact with each other to express both rich and deep mystical concepts and add to the capacity and ability of the Persian language.
Provide some explanations regarding the plans made in the field of research and the activities that have already been done in this regard.
There has been good work in this area, firstly, that hardware and software infrastructure has been developed to meet the objectives of the seat, secondly, a network of qualified faculty members, and, thirdly, several specialized panels to provide fresh findings. In the field of research and application, the results of research have been activated in this area, especially in the field of interdisciplinary studies in the fields of sociology, psychology and art.
In addition to the use of computer facilities, especially IT, high strides have been taken, the results of which will emerge in the coming months.
Also, the conditions under which the fund provided the basis for the use of two post-office scholars to advance the objectives of the seat is provided.
What achievements will this research seat have among the scientific community of the country and the general public?
This panel will have tangible and concrete achievements in which there are several key issues, such as the use and exploitation of the results of these studies to meet the linguistic, literary and cultural needs of society, the production of science in the field of research, through the correction and research of important texts related to research, the use of Interdisciplinary capacities will be at the center of attention for meeting the needs of the community.
Currently, this site has been important in the form of a paper, workshop, and multi-level specialized forum.
Some of the most important goals and accomplishments of the seat included the explanation of Rumi's mystical tradition and mysticism and his position in Islamic mysticism, measuring the needs of society at various levels in Rumi's thoughts to achieve life and cultural and spiritual excellence, explaining the existing capacities in works and views Rumi is in charge of meeting the needs and responses to the cultural and spiritual issues of society and designing patterns and methods for promoting Rumi's thoughts in society in accordance with different levels of needs.
Are there any goals associated with the introduction of Maulvi in the world and the relationship with other universities in the world that have courses in Persian literature?
The issue of promoting research has been considered in two geographical areas inside Iran and abroad. There are also many capacities in this field abroad, such as paying attention to Rumi, about 20 years ago, in the West and In the Arab world, there is also an increase in the number of first-hand and applied research in this regard.
Based on what has been said, with several universities and research centers in other countries, including Japan, Turkey, Bosnia and Australia, which have the capacity to co-operate, they will be coordinated to conduct joint research, and their results will be achieved in the coming months. Among other things, it can be called the translation project of Molavi, which is being conducted in cooperation with the Tokyo Foreign Studies University.
This is the place for the introduction of Rumi as one of the great Islamic mystics, as well as the great poets of Farsund, and what do you think will influence the real position of this mystic poet in Persian?
There is no doubt that a comprehensive program for this place is foreseeable that both Mowlavi's position in the development of Islamic mysticism and his role in promoting the status of Persian language and the creation of Persian literary masterpieces such as Masnavi and the Great Divine are well explained, and from the capacities of linguistic, literary And the culture of his thoughts and works to achieve these goals.
If you need further explanation regarding the volitional chair.
We need to thank Mr. Zargham, President of the Fund for Researchers and Technology Supporters who are particularly interested in the humanities, especially the Persian language.
In this regard, it should be said that, in view of the goals for which it is intended, it is necessary to use the capacities of the Association for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature, the scientific pole of research in verbal and mystical texts, as well as expert experts and scholars both inside and outside the country. In order to provide a coherent and consistent relationship between these centers and professionals, special arrangements are needed.
The final point is that for the withdrawal of literature and mysticism from the abstract space can be fitted with the predicted priorities in the upstream documents and the requirements of Iranian-Islamic culture to achieve new findings on the one hand and meet the needs of society and solve literary language problems. And the cultural heritage of the country, on the other hand, has greatly benefited from the capacities of mystical literature, in particular the poetry and works of Rumi, and hence the entry into strictly interdisciplinary studies is indispensable. Through this site, one can open such studies.